Middle School

I did a community garden. We have a description and then a 3d paper mache. In the 3d model there are examples on how the community garden works.

What I did was a video about the amazon tree boa.

Its has a lot of fotos and a large part where you need to pause and read.

One of my problems was that their was lot of noice. So I grabbed by air pods and went in a silent place and there I could make a good video.

We were challenged to do a paper table, that could withstand the weight of 2 paint cans. 

My solution to saving energy is to have treadmill that uses the energy you produce and turns it into energy for any device you own

I created a eco friendly store concept, and displayed it on Minecraft.

M project was simply done because I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted to create something from Star Wars because I liked Star Wars, so I created a tinkercad model of a Tie Interceptor from Star Wars.

In this project what I did is I designed a sustainable business witch was a homeless shelter. This was a non profit business and it was to help the homeless who don't have a place to sleep and do not have anything that they need to survive.

In my interdisiplinary project I focused on the ring tailed coati, i studied, and worked until i had an amazing project i edited, drew, wrote, and found everything i used in my project

I needed to make a video about a animal, where does it lives, its characteristics, its domain, kindom, phylium, order genus species.

this time in the steam expo i will submit the interdisciplinary video. I will submit this video because i think that it is my best project.  

I did a sustainable hotel for those who visit once in a while to work. All of it's functions are sustainable and functional to make everything easier. We presented this in a 3D model.

My problem is that some people need to learn some languages. But they would like to know what the language is. 

My project is about the saki monkey. This monkey lives in South america.

I work very hard and It was very very difficult for me I n some moments but i could finish that project

I did a website about many projects that we did in q1 in that project i also added things about my vacation.

the name of my project is called safe pencil super holder. This is good pencil holder because it can spin aorund and the pencil wouldn't fell  down  and it is safe because it has strings.

my project is a portable air conditioner that you can take anywhere and be powered by a battery, my question is how can this be useful for the climate here.

I want to present the sustainable buisness project. In this project I did a sustainable homeless shelter, for people who dont have anywhere to stay. But apart from helping the community, it is in a sustainable way, because we used the most climate friendly resources so our shelter doesnt pollute, etc.

My Project is The Animal project from Mrs. Shummie. This project took a while to finish because I had to make a video with all the requirements like "you or your avatar has to narrate the video" or "You need to add all of the information about your Animal" but the hardest part was "You need to add a QR code.

My sustainable business is about helping earth by making sustainable bracelets from recycled plastic and every time someone buys one we plant a tree. My question was: How can we use our business to improve the agriculture in our country? For the project I started researching and filling the organizer. I made a bracelet in stem for a model.

The project I did was the community fridge, a community fridge is a fridge made for people to the open space so people can go and eat things. In my opinion this will be a good solution for people that is always hungry and if they are hungry they can go to the community fridge and eat something.

I had to make a project trying to figure out how to make a sustainable business on cemeteries and funeral homes in Florida. I was able to make this project by researching for many hours and really deeply giving 100% of me and got a great grade on it.

While in my sixth grade language and arts class, my teacher assigned me a project in which I had to make a story about a hero. I became very interested in the project and worked on it day and night. After the teacher read my project, he encouraged me to post it on the STEAM EXPO.  

Well you can see that in our project we did something simple with cardboard and tape and this is what made are project sustainable and we liked this idea because we always see trays in the maker space and we want to make the maker space a better place so I think this was a good project to make 

My project is called community library.The idea is to put books in a book shelf and put it in a tree so it could stay there and the community can use it to read instead of buying it.That helps a lot because when you don’t have so much money you can’t afford books and food at the same time so you can buy food and have books so you can read in the community library.

sometimes the community can be hard or can be not as the way that you wanted because we can try to make more ways to find food and more fruits for the people that can not afford food so the community garden is going to help us with a lot of things and in my community for the people can't afford food so my project my community garden it helps a lot 

I did a community fridge that has ventilation and is made of carboard. These helps fix the problem of epople starving beucase they have money. Thes are cheap and pretty easy to make

Our focus with our mini hoop is to make people want to recycle.

This is a good idea because we can get lots of people to recycle, since people like basketball they can play for free and while helping the environment.

I did an mandala , my project is about an mandala I did of Mandala because I think that it's a very creative art in which I can put all my concentration in it , I can. draw lines all the things that occurs to me that's why I choose to do my project of a Mandala.

The bridge project on steam is a project where we used recycled material to make something amazing out of it. 

In my socials studies project I would like to make the 3D model a bit better. I just think that if I worked harder It would look amazing.

my main problem was thinking what i could do in this amazing and facinating project, but i found out what i could do and from there it was more easy.

I did 3 projects, these projects consisted of an animal video project, website project, and translator app. I will present the animal project video.

I made a sustainable business where there is lots of wildlife and trees. The place is full of biodiversity which will make our business even better.

is a tray that you can take everywhere eat whatever you want you just put your food and take it where ever you want it you put big size food small size you  could eat in bed, in couch , i the car 

Shows how we can say to make a world more socially and en environmentally friendly we can try to make more parts and we can try to make more ways to find food for example we can start planting food and make a community garden so that’s are some ways which I show in my community garden social studies‘s project

My problem is that many stores wast a lot of energy powering the fridges and the electronics so I created a store that uses solar pannels I also incorporated adding trash canes beacause many people when they get get out of the store want to eat it right away and if they see a recycling fridge they would naturaly want to throw the wrapers away its has a comuity fridge for the homeless. 

One project i would like to present is the interdisciplinary project also known as the animal video. What i did in that video was search information about an specific animal and make a video with that information including where it lives, what does it eat, what are the type of habitat he lives on etc. 

My project was about a community garden which had lots of plants. Apart from that it also has a bike lane and some recycling bins. This project has lots of green, what I mean from this is that it has lots of nature; trees, plants, and grass.  

I first did a box with a some black boxes representing windows. Then i drew the hospital sine and did a ambulance and the solar planes with a wire that would conect to a solar Battery.

Is a simple gear model in blender originally filled with physics and gravity to express the different speeds a gear will move depending on size, varying by a dilation of 2 or .5, although in the end I simply linked the two to make a more realisticly looking device

My project is an airplane that isnt based off any real life planes. It was 3d modeled using tinkercad.

I created an animal-based video, but it focused on the barn owl. I also did a drawing/panting of it.

My animal has a problem of  Hunting and habitat loss. Results can be done with stopping  Hunting.

I am doing aerodinamics by making a simple airplane of paper, to see what I can create. I am going to try how fast can I make the airplane fly.

Our project is a model of the ocean full of plastic. Our project is aiming to solve the pollution in ecosystems. Although it cant solve pollution it can atleast give people a idea

Something that we did for our STEAM porject was our Transilation App. We asked ourselves if it was possible to do an app that would be useful to transilate any type of language.

My problem was pollution. In my project I did it with my partners and clean the water on the lago Ipakaray.

The project that I did was a project about sustainable business and my buisness helped the people clean the lake ypacarai 

In my coding project I did not knew how to code. So I asked myself, "how can you code?" So I just saw tutorial videos so I knew it all.

Our problem was that makeup was causing too much pollution. We wanted to know how we could stop  pollution from cosmetics. Firstly from the packaging, which is mostly plastic. Secondly, from the chemicals that are in the products themselves. This is playing a large role in pollution, so we came up with an idea to stop it. We have made organic, vegan and eco-friendly makeup that doesn't harm the environment. It is made form natural oils and essences and the packaging is refillable, so you only need to purchase it once.


My app is about Mental Health because lately I have been through stuff that is making my mental health worse and I think that this app would make people feel better when they don't have anyone to talk to about feelings and emotions. Most people don´t know this but there are a lot of people feeling suicidal just because of society. It's A problem that a lot of people have, not just me.


I take the project of food waste on the steam expo. In food waste project, I interview to people who work in cantina about the food waste on that place. Google slides were made and presented based on the interviews.

One of the coolest projects i did here in class was the translator app because that was the one i most liked. And one of the reasons i choose this becasue later maybe its going to be important for people

I choose to do the brigde project and explian why i did it becuase i put a lot of effort in the creatitiy and hardwork you put into the project we choose a brigde that we loved and admired and duplicated.

My Sustainable Business Project is a good project to present in the STEAM expo because it is an eco friendly project. It also will make the world a much better place.

I was thinking on probably sumbitting my automatic plan pots I have made for Social Studies for the STEAM EXPO. 

My project is about making my neighborhood a better place by adding new ideas environmental and sustainable ideas 

Our project was about a book or biography we read in Language Arts. About a Pakistani woman that fight for women's right called Malala. She became really famous due to her incredible accomplishments. We decided to do a game in honor of Malala, that it is really fun to play with the people that read her book.

what are the causes of migration.I choose to do migration beacuse all around the world there are problems about that.I want to know if people such as migration people have a rough life.Do people with problems,economic problem and agricultural problems have to deal with this type of situations.Poeple that migrate suffer about this.

This is a house of a movie i saw and it would be a good project for the steam expo because it is a great and elaborate project.

it is a shelf for the steam class and it will be a good project for the steam expo because it is a good organization plan for the steam class

For all my projects i tried to be the most recyclable and ecofriendly project that i can do,by recycling plastic bottles,bags,plastic bottle caps and much more.Or else is to clean gtrash and then recycle that trash.

My project is a community garden that shows people the main things that you could put to use in a community garden. It also shows the dangers of building because snakes could come and ruin the garden, or maybe hurt one of the gardeners

My project is aerodynamic. The question we were trying to solve was can it flay from a long distance? It did dirent work at first but after we change something like the wing it finally fly high and very far.


We made a sustainable business that helps immigrants that go into the U.S. The materials we use will be sustainable, and re-using the houses, we will offer the people until they can find a permanent home will help limit construction. We will use hemp, a powerful plant with which we will make bricks. Doing this will benefit our business and our planet. We will get to use eco-friendly concrete. If we want to limit climate change, we must try to restrict concrete use. A company in Canada has developed a way to make concrete from harmful carbon emissions. We will also power our tiny homes by using solar panels. Our project is a great example of how we can use STEAM to make something great. 

Project #1: I decided to create these objects on Tinker Cad because I was very excited to learn how a 3D printer works and its final results. I made some of these things for a personal reason, but some came to mind as improvements or fun and creative things that could be added to the Maker Space, aka STEAM class.

Project #2: This project was done in Social Studies class but a collaboration with STEM class. This design was inspired by learning and thinking about possible improvements we could make in our neighborhoods. This model of a house with solar panel roofs would solve the excess of fossil fuels and energy. 

Project #3: Like the first one, this project is done with a personal explanation. I really enjoy interior designing and am a crazy organized person. This project allowed me to do both while enjoying it, passing the time, and having fun.

How can we be more sustainable? My project for social studies was to build a community park that is auto-sustainable and works with natural energy. with solar pannels.

We created a suistainable buisnes to teach about this topic, people can learne a lot from it, it teaches you about eco-rowing, you learn about how you can have a suistinable bussines  while been ecofriendly.

When I was doing the project I forgot one of the rules for the video so I entered crisis mode.

But I decided to quit complaining my self and re-do the half of the video and it was much better in the end than the last time.

what I did was a little park so people can represent it and they can make the world greener and they can socialize and be friends, have fun, and people can also go with their dogs if they want to and its a sustainable environment and my idea is to create an innovative area for everyone

How can we create an eco-friendly and sustainable hotel with an organic farming system in the Mountains of Bayern?

For this project Lynn and I were trying to work on finding a sustainable way to run a hotel in the mountains and have it provide its own resources with organic farming and eco-friendly systems.

I chose Mrs shoomies project which is the indicinplary project I chose a jellyfish i did and a video explaining all about jellyfish its, their habitat, food, and anatomy i overall, I learned a lot about the jellyfish i really liked it 

This one is my favorite project and I enjoyed it a lot. With this project, we have learned to reorganize some spaces in our neighborhood without harming the environment, creating a positive impact in our communities, promoting people’s well-being, and considering that we suggest places that connect with nature and do healthy activities. We also presented a 3D model, which was very important for me, since it meant bringing all my ideas to life.

What I did was an innovative garden which was a vertical garden in quarter one. I constructed a type of big flowerpot and asked for the help of an adult to attach it to the wall. After that, I started planting plants and taking some plants that don't have seeds and putting them in water so that they can start getting some roots although it can take some time, and then put them on the big flowerpot.

How can we create a socially sustainable business that doesnt affect the environment negatively? The name of our business, “Worth”, represent how every women is worth so much in the world, how everyone of them is important. We are offering the chance for women to step up and lead, having no priorities of hiring men. We are giving them an opportunity to stand out and have a good job that helps our planet become a better place while at the same time providing a good service.

The main problem when doing this was my grammer and my spelling beacuse I cant spell very well and same with my grammer.So what I did was I asked my mom to Check my grammer and spelling and if it was correct then i would keep it and if it was not I would switch it

I did a community fridge and a problem we face with it is that here in paraguay lights can cut esaly and the food inside the fridge can be rotten or also another problem is the security because they can just take the fridge

my idea was for a social studies project, it is a donation bin or cabinet, so people can put old toys and clothes, that they might throw away, but could still be used, so that other people can come and take it and use it. 

We created a magazin about a animal, we created a model that showas everything of that animal, like were dos it live ,how is it is enviroment ect.

I created a community mini garden 3-d model on a cardboard and isopor so people would see how that would work and also see how that would fit in the real world so thats why.

I did a terrarium or diorama you could say, about the Fer-de-lance snake in an old fish tank of mine for my science project about animals in South America.


  I decided to build this because my neighborhood does have gardens or plants, but I figured it is best if there is a much more sustainable garden that can be worked within the community, and make us closer. So I decided to make and design a 3D model of how a sustainable community garden would look in my neighborhood. 

I created a basketball hoop that goes in a trash can and I put designs on it. and I put it in the back of the trash can so that when you throw your paper it goes in the trash can.And so that you have a more creative way to throw your trash

We needed to create a sustainable business so we decided to create one that would make a change in the Ypacarai lake conditions. We wanted to create a business that would help with that because it is such an important place here in Paraguay. We created a nonprofit organization, and it offers benefits for the water and those around. 

What will a mini hoop do to help the society?

The mini hoop actually can help a lot because every time you recycle or throw trash you can make someone day because they helped the society and have fun.


We had to create a sustainable business addressing immigrants moving to the US. We created a business plan that includes sustainable elements and an identified a location in Florida along with a realistic budget of expected costs.

The work that I have decided to present is the one that I am the most proud of and it is the STEAM website. I really like this website because I had to do it on my own and it demonstrates all of my work that I did during the STEAM year.

Well a problem I got in the way of maaking this project was that there where not that much space for the garden so I had to make things a bit smaller

I did a airplane with different aerodynamics, that helps fly better and faster. To acomplish this we are going to need A4 paper and your hands.

My project is a 3d model i did on tinkercad that i want it to come to life and it is like a regular mug and it has like a circle in the side so you can grab it and dont get burned

For the project i chose i made a bridge with two of my classmates, which was supposed to replicate the London bridge. To create this we used scissors, , strings, glue, hot glue, tape, cardboard cutouts, wooden sticks and paint. We first thought about how we wanted to make our bridge, then we spent a couple of classes building it and perfecting it, when we where finally done we painted it and i am really proud of it.

"My question was ""How hard is it really to make an RPG?"" 

I scrolled through Google for guides on making an RPG, and I found a good guide by a youtube channel called ""Gorka Games"", so I decided to watch it and follow the instructions.

The result of me watching the first few videos in the guide was a skeleton for an RPG."


How can we create a sustainable business while still teaching and bringing people together? What I did was create a sustainable hotel and tourism business that promotes an eco-friendly environment and community-based tourism. In order to make the hotel sustainable, we included solar panels and a rainwater harvesting system and to make it community-based there are many activities involving visiting locals. 


My problem is that neighborhoods in Asunción and Paraguay in general are not healthy and sustainable. And my question is how can we make our city a sustainable place? My solution is to create inovative and recreative areas for people to use without producing pollution, but providing a better environment.

I did a moving recording car this car was functional some of the matirails wher ruber band and caps. this car can move the waghith of a phone or a go pro. it moved and work only propblom was that whe needed to finde wher coolde the phone or camara fit at the end we did it with a go pro.

i had to make a project on a sustainable business and i had to figure out how i could make it sustainable and how to keep it sustainable for it to benefit everyone. I was able to discover a way to do this after doing a lot of research on a lot of different websites and i got through it.

My objective for the project was to make the paper airplane fly farther than half of the field. After researching paper airplanes, I changed the objective to make the plane fly half and a half of the field and eventually succeeded. 

In this project the main question was How can we improve our comunitry? My solution was because there are many comunitys that are beaten up and cant provide to their people. 

During the sustainable business project I was required to create a 3d model of the design of the headquarters. With the help of two of my partners I was able to create the model which was both accurate in size and location.

In this project I applied mentos or mint into coke. My main idea is that the mentos agitates the coke.

My design is a skate park that uses tec,Dec mini skateboards to have fun with

I made a suma cube. I think that it would allow people to challenge their brains while doing the cube.

I did a project about a bridge and then i build it. The main results is to show the creativy and to think about how to do the bridge and with what materials.

Our questions at the start of our project was how to build a bridge. For my project with a partner we built the golden gate with classroom materials. 

I created a translator app. This enables people to translate from one language to another by typing in the words in one of the spaces and the translation appears next to it.

What I did in my project first was we gather information of our topic and respond a questions to have some information and know how to start my project. My question was In what ways can we make a sustainable: eco-friendly and socially equal colting brand? How can we make an eco-friendly brand that will be for everyone? Our main idea of this project was to make an shop that we sell clothes. We wanted to made a store that everyone could go and buy and something that is not so expensive. We chose the location that was in the Fashion Distric Miami. 

What can we do to stop forest fires? My social studies sustainability project is my favourite project because i spent a lot of time and effort to make it. I was able to express mi creativity by doing a architecture/engineering designed project. I built my own bridge and trees out of recycled cardoboard and plastic. My project was based on recyclying and stoping forest fires and contamination. I chose to use the burnt wood and plastic thrown around to make bracelets. Then we sell those bracelets to make profit to buy more soil, and nutrients to plant more trees.


Plant growth is very difficult to control and observe, which is a neccesity for plants like potatoes, which their fruits grow on the ground. This project solves this problem because its design allows you to see the growth process of the plant. It is very practical because it has spaces on both sides to put every material that you need to take care of the plant, and overall is better than normal plants. So in conclusion this is both very practical and educational, and it will be great for people that like to plant all over the world.

I started doing a quiz. I still haven't finished, but I already started. I currently have 3 questions. The questions are what is the biggest country in the world, what is the country with the highest population? And who is the best teacher. As I show in the pictures below, I made so that when you click the button the answer pops up. With a little more effort, I can make it better in lots of ways. For example, I can make it multiple choice, etc.

A saying says that math exists in everything. I decided to explore the hidden secrets of the right triangle and try to put the pieces together to form a masterpiece of art. I made a unique showpiece combining both mathematical calculations and elements of art. I used the Pythagorean Theorem to construct right triangles in a spiral, and decorated in and around them. In the end I created a Pythagorean spiral that resembled an ammonite and had  an intricate design. 

In my project of social studies I built a farm which had two gardens and a farm. It helped a lot with the environment and improvise food requirement and help animals grow faster and healthier. The first and only problem I had was the materials that I was going to use. But then we just went to stores and we bought a lot of creative things for my project 

The project that I choose for the steam expo is the sustainable city that we did in social studies, because this project is really good for the environment so if you get people to start working on this, we could have a bitter Earth in a better environment so that we could have a balanced ecosystem. Also this project can make people notice how better world is economically socially an environmentally.


I will choose the sustainable business project the final result was amazing I was able to make an actual full scale of my own sustainable business made with the help of my friends.

This project was originally a project assignment for my STEAM class. So I have chosen this one. What I made is a website. It contains many contents.

The problem is that it was difficult to come up with.I couldn´t think of anything to tell noting was really grabbing my attention.

I did a habitat 

my plan was to do a project explaining why plants need light. 

My project is a flower painted with paint.

I did a project about why it's very important to recycle. All the negatives you get by not recycling and all the good things that come out of recycling. What we can do to help make our neighborhood and city a better place. 

Paper plane, This proyect i made with G. L., it is a paper plane that had a cammuflage color it was very cool the plane was just to plan in this concept plan means the plane goes  just on the directon you throw in its not brusce.

In the project I made I tried to recreate the landscape in which the Cobalt blue spider lives in. Then I made a document explaining why these spider species is in grave danger and how you can solve the problem that the spider faces.

This project is about investment. It tells us about the different types of investors. This project also gives different strategies for investing.

I used tinkercad to build a building with solar panels. I desided to build this to show a way we can reduce the amount of non-renewable energy we use.