I did a community fridge that has ventilation and is made of carboard. These helps fix the problem of epople starving beucase they have money. Thes are cheap and pretty easy to make


A Community Fridge is a space that brings people together to eat, connect, learn new skills and reduce food waste. I am trying to solve the wasting food problem and how people dont reuse stuff.


I created my rpoject with corrado we used glue, carbored, batteries, and some fans that people dont use. Mr cez i cant put any images on this.


I find out how easy and good is to make a community fridge. My prototype works by cooling a box with electric fans. We wacthed yt videos and asked mr tice for advice.


 first What are the environmental benefits of recycling?  It conserves energy, reduces air and water pollution, reduces greenhouse gases, and conserves natural resources. A conclusion i can draw is that we need to help the enviroment


We could amd emore prototyps and show it to the goverment to make more and help the poor. I would make a bigger fridge.


By youtube, videos, pinterest, instagram, asking and more


You seem to have many ideas for ways that you can help solve problems in your community. I think that you need to be very clear and focus next year's projects on just one or two ideas. I am not sure how your ideas about a refrigerator connect to your comments about recycling and water pollution.