My project was about a community garden which had lots of plants. Apart from that it also has a bike lane and some recycling bins. This project has lots of green, what I mean from this is that it has lots of nature; trees, plants, and grass.  


I did this project because it is a fun project. This project can be made at your house because there are no specific materials that are needed. What I mean by this is that you can use the materials that you have in your home. I also made this project because I think that it can inspire to do it in real life, which will make a big improvement in the environment. 


I created this project by researching ideas and then providing a solution. I glued different materials that I found in the STEAM room into the sytrofoam. 


I discovered that this project can be made with recycled materials, you can use materials found at home. I did my project the way I that I said because I think it is the best idea or the best way of making it. 


I learned that this project can make a big step into helping the environment. Having a community garden, a bike lane, and recycling bins can help a lot in air pollution. I learned that this project can inspire you a lot to make it in real life. 


I could extend my project by adding another piece of sytrofoam. In the new part, we can add a clinic, a hospital or a place with free food and drinks for people that need it. 


I got my ideas from the websites we researched from and all of the lessons we had throughout this unit. I gathered some ideas from the lessons we had and put it all together and created a project from that. 


You have lots of good ideas in here. For next time, it would be great to add in some more specifics such as locations, amounts of trash reduced, numbers of people who would benefit, etc.