My question was ""How hard is it really to make an RPG?"" 

I scrolled through Google for guides on making an RPG, and I found a good guide by a youtube channel called ""Gorka Games"", so I decided to watch it and follow the instructions.

The result of me watching the first few videos in the guide was a skeleton for an RPG.


I choose to do this project as a personal question and to answer the Question "How hard is it really to make an RPG? The answer is that it's kinda hard but it gets easier.


I created my project with Unreal Engine 5.1.1, as it's one of the best game engines. I then choose the 3rd person template, imported a bunch of stuff from the video that were important, and started working on the game.


The results was the skeleton for an RPG, and I found out that it's easier to make a video game than it seems. My skeleton of a game works like this: You can walk around by using WASD controls, press space to jump, press c to crouch, and if you approach a vaultable wall, you can vault over it by pressing left shift.


These results are important as they prove that making a game isn't all that hard nowadays. The conclusion that I pull from this is that while they might be complex, RPGs are not that hard to make.


I could extend my project by continuing to develop my game, which is what I will do. What I could have done differently was make a different genre of game, like a Horror game or a Sci-Fi game.



It is sometimes intimidating to try something new. You have clearly learned a new skill and have some ideas for future projects now that you have had this experience. Congratulations!