I started doing a quiz. I still haven't finished, but I already started. I currently have 3 questions. The questions are what is the biggest country in the world, what is the country with the highest population? And who is the best teacher. As I show in the pictures below, I made so that when you click the button the answer pops up. With a little more effort, I can make it better in lots of ways. For example, I can make it multiple choice, etc.


I did this project because I really would like to help other people try and learn new things. I love to help other people.


I made this project by searching for things that people dont know and help them with that.


The prototypes that I used were that I researched about what people did not know and also I used advanced technology to be able to make a working and functioning quiz.


The results are extremely important. THey are very important becauseĀ  we could either help people to find out or learn things that they did not know before, or we could mislead them into thinking that they learned something when in fact they went back in the process of learning and learned somethign that is completely wrong.


I think that to expand this and be able to help and reach even more people I could maybe ally with more and different classmates/friend to be able to make a better website and be able to help/reach more people.


I got the information from lots of different plaeces and websites, and I also worked with lots of different friends and classmates that I would like to shoutout because of the outstaning work they did with our project.


Looks like you have the beginnings of a project in the form of an app quiz. It's hard to tell much more than that about your project, especially when you reference 'advanced technology' but don't explain what that means. I encourage you to add more specific screenshots, details, and examples next time so that your submission can shine.