The Judges Committee has awarded this submission Excellence in Community Project Development


How can we create a sustainable business while still teaching and bringing people together? What I did was create a sustainable hotel and tourism business that promotes an eco-friendly environment and community-based tourism. In order to make the hotel sustainable, we included solar panels and a rainwater harvesting system and to make it community-based there are many activities involving visiting locals. 


I did this project to show how you can make something simple and transform it into sustainable. I was trying to solve the problem of sustainability, the lack of sustainability in this country is huge. Not only that, but connecting with our local land and traditions, expanding our learning. 


I created my plroject by starting to plan out, I knew I wanted to build a hotel, but provide a way to make visitors enjoy the location too. I researched for a lot of information, like how to make a hotel sustainable or how to make tourism sustainable. Then I used canvas to create a type of pamphlet for the activities and modeled how the hotel would look. 


There are certain stuff I found out, for example, hiring locals is a sustainable way of maintaining your hotel, and connecting with them helps promote community-based tourism. The final prototype shows the hotel and the different special components of it, we see the solar panels on each side, a rooftop garden, and even planting areas for the visitors. The pamphlet is a way to promote the hotel, showing certain activities tourist will preform. 


This is important because it indicates and answers my question. Including these little details like solar panels, water systems, etc. allows us to create a sustainable approach. With this project, you know that you can create a sustainable business and still keep it fun, and community based. 


I could extend my project by making a physical model of what I made, this could also ahve been a different approach. The next steps are to expose it, and show what the finished product is. 


I got all my information online, from certain websites including news articles, blogs, organizations, etc. My idea to build a hotel and tourism business came from the teacher, who gave us ideas for our project to look great. 


What a fabulous idea that could make a difference in so many ways! I am also impressed with your use of various technology tools. Excellent work!