What can we do to stop forest fires? My social studies sustainability project is my favourite project because i spent a lot of time and effort to make it. I was able to express mi creativity by doing a architecture/engineering designed project. I built my own bridge and trees out of recycled cardoboard and plastic. My project was based on recyclying and stoping forest fires and contamination. I chose to use the burnt wood and plastic thrown around to make bracelets. Then we sell those bracelets to make profit to buy more soil, and nutrients to plant more trees.


I chose this project because i noticed that it is a very big an concerning problem that is not addressed enough as it should. Forest fires are really bad because not only does it make many species go extinct, it is also very bad for us humans. The more the trees bueno the more carbon dioxide is introduced into our atmosphere, and from there to our lungs. The more trees burn the less oxygen they reproduce and the more dangerous it is for us to go outside for a regular morning walk.


I started by creating trees with styrofoam, then i used toothpicks to represent the trunk of the tree. I painted them according to their colors and then stuck them in a styrofoam board.  I then painted the board green and also blue to represent a river. I also added chopped pieces of plastic to represent the pollution.


I found out that forest fires are really easy to prevent. As long as we don't invade other species habitat many lives can be spared. My prototype makes you deposit the plastic in a bag and in return you get a bracelet. 


Our results are important it encourages recycling and picking up trash. This simple action can already help many species live better. Our environment is even getting better now that recycling is an every day necessity.


I could extend my project by Adding a moving small machine that deposits and exchanges the plastic in seconds. What i could have done differently is that i could have also added to my project a small paper with information. Like for example, why fore's fires are bad for the environment and how we can prevent them.


I got my information from google and from my uncle, he is very knowledgeable in this topic so he helped me a lot as well. 


You have created a unique perspective on a real and growing climate issue. I'm impressed with the level of details on certain aspects, such as reusing the burnt material to make memorial bracelets. I encourage you to show more evidence in your submission by sharing the bracelets you made and any potential impact that had in the community.