My project is about making my neighborhood a better place by adding new ideas environmental and sustainable ideas 


I did this project so I can help my neighborhood because my neighborhood is a little bit not too organized and also how to make it better so the people in my neighborhood can enjoy it more 


I first started planning my project in a Google Doc so I could talk about why and how I would do my project for my neighborhood and later I went to link that my teacher put in the Google Classroom that is called CoSpace and there I did what I was talking about in the doc


I find out that If I made this happen everyone in my neighborhood would be more happy and it would be more organized as well 


This is important for my neighborhood because it will help them more organized and will help them be more cleaner and more enjoyable. I learned that we always need to see a way to help our neighborhood or people that are close to us. 


I could extend my project by making it real so for example trying to some of the things I said to my neighborhood so it will be more realistic. I could of done it more differently like making a 3d model in STEAM with Mr. Diaz


All the ideas I got for my project were coming from my kind and good teacher called Mr. Tice , he told me what things to add and how I could describe it 


Wow, you make a CoSpaces virtual reality model! That's super exciting and I can tell that you are proud of what you made. Also, you show insight by seeing how your community can improve, such as electric bikes or community wifi. I would love to see if you could share multiple images of your projects as well as some of the earlier creation stages.