We created a magazin about a animal, we created a model that showas everything of that animal, like were dos it live ,how is it is enviroment ect.


I did this proyect because I neded to have extra point on my science animal proyect that had the value of 100 points, and if you had every thing on youre video was a 80 so i did the video and the model


I did this with a a isopor and green paper bluepaper green paint and many many animal and insect toys.


I find out that is super fun and easy to do proyect lie these i realy want to do one of these again in 6 grade.


this result is important because this is going to get me super grade, and that is verry important to me.


i could put some information in words not only in a model, i thin that could help me a lot more but i dident have more time for that.


I got my ideas of a other proyect I hade in 5 grade that was similar to this and I also did a model of the amazon river.


Modeling is a great way to learn and explore almost any idea. I liked that you included many animal and insect models, since as you probably know, a healthy ecosystem is a diverse ecosystem. Sometimes we do things because we feel like we have to, but I can tell by your google entries that you had fun building this model. And if you ask me, learning about the world around us and having fun while you are doing it is more important than the grade you get. Keep exploring.