One project i would like to present is the interdisciplinary project also known as the animal video. What i did in that video was search information about an specific animal and make a video with that information including where it lives, what does it eat, what are the type of habitat he lives on etc. 


I did this project at first because it was an assignment but then i was entertained with the video, i learned a lot of different things about something i didn't know, while doing i was trying to answer many different questions like what is the animal classification, fun facts about the animal and intresting things about the animal.


I created my project by using internet, canva and especially capcut, i needed to use capcut to edit the video so it could look better, i used the internet to search the information i was going to include in the video and used canva to make the qr code.


The results were amazing, it was exactly how i needed to make it, because apart of the information the video needed to access another way that is not or link or something like that i made did so you use a qr code to enter the video .


So my results are very important because it means i made it good, the conclusions i could draw about the project is that maybe at first something is not as fun or as entertaining you want it to be but then maybe learning new stuff will may result fun.


Well my project can be very very good but it is obviously not perfect, i think some things that i could improve is the editing because when i edited the video i didnt know much and i still dont know.


I can see that you learned quite a bit about both biology and various tech tools (Canva & Capcut) in this project. You have also shared insight on what you would improve for the next time and that shows clear reflection. I would love to see more evidence from your project, such as the video you made or any of the digital posters.