Our project was about a book or biography we read in Language Arts. About a Pakistani woman that fight for women's right called Malala. She became really famous due to her incredible accomplishments. We decided to do a game in honor of Malala, that it is really fun to play with the people that read her book.


We did this kind of project because we thought that was a very creative way of learning and reviewing about a book that you know or you are interested without being very complicated and not doing the same things as other people did.With the cup game you could learn more about her and you can expand your knowledge about the book.


Our project develop our solution that was to learn about a book in a funny and interesting way in which you cannot get bored.Furthermore,it also helps us understand better the book and how this story impacted a lot of women´s life.


At the end of the project I discovered more about the book and about her personal life,moreover,I found out other ways in which you could learn about something without having to write a big text or studying a lot.Our projet works by throwing a little ball to different cups,and depending on the ones it goes in you could get harder or easier questions.


The conclusion was that the main character impacted a lot of different topics that she stand up about,furthering,we also learn other ways to express the things that we learned through things that could be interesting and creative.


I could extend my project by making other related games that could also be helpful for understanding the book and the different events happening,


I got my information by making evidence of the book and citing different quotes that the author wrote.Besides,we also gave our personal opinions every time.This is supported because everything we wrote that wasn't ours came from the book and it was cited o you know that we didn't write that.


I wish I could see your learning game in action! It is obvious that you learned a lot from it yourselves, and I can imagine how this would be a fun and engaging way for a whole group of students to learn together. Great job!

I love seeing projects that connect multiple subjects, such as yours that combines both English Language Arts and STEAM. The model that you made looks fun and I can tell that it helped her go deeper into the content and themes of the book. I would love to see more evidence of this project, such as the rules, the inspiration for each rules, people playing the game, and how balanced it is as a mathematical game.