Student Expo Submissions


"EXCELLENCE IN ... " Awards

The Judges Committee is proud to announce that all student submissions have been reviewed. Every submission is a testament to the strength and resiliency of our ASA students during this time of distance learning. All submissions have received written feedback from the judges that can be viewed directly in the submission. Submissions that went above and beyond the criteria of quality, originality, and communication have been awarded "Excellence in ... " as special recognition for their unique achievements.

Why not 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place? 

The Judges Committee focuses on substantive feedback and special recognition to encourage all student participants to learn and grow from their submission experience. A classical competitive ranking of projects using a focused rubric streamlines criteria feedback but can overlook unique and innovative projects. The committee instead chose to emphasize substantive feedback (positive aspects and constructive criticism) for all participants as a means of guiding our budding engineers, scientists, innovators, and creators. "Excellence in ... " awards, much like classroom excellence awards, are used to emphasize exceptional projects that go above and beyond in their specific field, such as digital arts, engineering, crafting, and coding.

The Judges Committee is honored by the strength of submissions this year and encourages all participants to view the work of their peers and become inspired for the STEAM Expo next year!

Explore and Get Inspired!

Check out the over 175 submissions from students in all grade divisions in ASA!


Nathan Lipperer (Chair) - Middle School Science Teacher

Katherine Barnett - High School Science Teacher

Cesar Diaz - Middle/High School Design Tech Teacher

Alfredo Fortenboher - Technology Director

Lilian Gonzalez - Elementary School Technology Specialist

Jeremy Howard - High School Science Teacher

Kerry Lederman - High School Science Teacher

Christopher Lee - Elementary School Teacher

Amydelle Schumaker - Middle School Math and Science Teacher

Billy Schumaker - Elementary School Teacher

Tyler Shelden - Director of Teaching and Learning

Daniel Tice - Middle School Language Arts Teacher

Send any inquiries directly to the Judges Committee Chair at