I did a moving recording car this car was functional some of the matirails wher ruber band and caps. this car can move the waghith of a phone or a go pro. it moved and work only propblom was that whe needed to finde wher coolde the phone or camara fit at the end we did it with a go pro.
I did it because we whanted to see what was inside the vault. The vault is a place that you may not enter and we wanted to see what was inside.
I did this car with the help of a friend we did it by first sketching how we wher going to do this we sketch on a paper then we made the first prototype it wasent very good because it dident move. so we loded rober bands and atached them to the weels then we twisted the band so when it untwisted it will move foward and then a string to bull it back to us.
the result wher great it worked perfectly fine, the camara worked and it came to us. the camara was perfect and we saw the results and it worked.
This was very inportant to us we wher one of the first to see inside the vault in our grade. It was very cool we got to saw thigns and we also saw that awor planing work.
we will plant to make it turn to the sides and go more. Then we will make it have more of a cool disien and not a wird looking thing. next time we will make it look like a car.
i got the idea by a youtube vido and that made me car move so that was realy helpfull.
This is a fun idea with many potential uses. It would be great to hear about other places that this camera might be useful, how you would improve it for next time, or other ideas that you have now based on this.