is a tray that you can take everywhere eat whatever you want you just put your food and take it where ever you want it you put big size food small size you  could eat in bed, in couch , i the car 


it was late at night I was so hungry I went to the kitchen and I found a lomito I grab it and I took it to my bed after 3 bites the sauce spilled all over my kolcha so if I had the Trey that would not happen 


we can create it by a 3d printer or a plastic box 


this project would help a lot of people who do not want to get out of the comfort of their bed or couch  so lets eat something in a comfortable place


the results are important to see what to improve in the project 


i can extend it by making it better have investors to expand to the whole world that they want to eat in their beds comfy 


i got the idea from my personal life when i ate the Lomito so then i saw the tray that they use in the school  


This is super practical for your needs and the story supports that. Have you seen other trays before and did you model your tray on other ideas? Also, your idea of finding investors is a great start, but have you really tested your model with users to see if it mets their needs? Might want to gather some data first to see how well it actually work.