In this project the main question was How can we improve our comunitry? My solution was because there are many comunitys that are beaten up and cant provide to their people. 


I did this project because there are families that cant go outside because my comunity is realy beaten up and i realy want to fix our park. This can help the hapiness of our neighborhood. 


We can do these by having lots of people bringing dirt, seeds, and much other stuff. This will be a long process and we will need a lot of water. 


I found out that having a park can increase hapiness in comunity and the children can have a happy childhood. 


This is important because the children are our future and our main goal is to provide them the best childhood they have. This will fill the ideas and creativity of the children. 


I can also imrpove my project by adding recycle bins everywhere. I will do this because i am sick of having to clean the trahs of other people/. 


Nice idea about building a park in your neighborhood. I like that you would involve members in your community to help beautify the park. Besides recycle bins, what other components might your park need in order to stay clean and healthy?