Shows how we can say to make a world more socially and en environmentally friendly we can try to make more parts and we can try to make more ways to find food for example we can start planting food and make a community garden so that’s are some ways which I show in my community garden social studies‘s project


 I was trying to solve a problem of inequality Bing economic hey Siri my brain environmentally or social


I created it by doing it by hand with sticks glue paint cardboard and a cutter


I found out that it might be very very expensive to do that project because it’s not that cheap to get good for all soil and to buy the seeds but if I get my neighbors to chip in that it will be really economically friendly


Results are important because it may be really expensive to go and shop for groceries every week just for them to be with lots of pesticides so it’s more safe for you because you were doing it and you know what it has and also because it’s fresher


I would do this by trying to make it not only in my neighborhood but if I end a whole entire world


My brain and V.


Nice handmade 3D model. Modeling is a super effective way to explore the ASA design cycle. By creating this model, I am sure that it required you to imagine, plan, reflect and reimage. I love the idea community gardens and providing communities a basic need regardless of economic class. As the world continues to increase in population, I want to encourage you to revisit this idea. As you do, look to altetnatives that are less expensive or ideas where the long-term benefits outweigh the intitial costs.