How can I take action in my neighborhood in order to create and support a more sustainable place, both, socially and environmentally? 

This one is my favorite project and I enjoyed it a lot. With this project, we have learned to reorganize some spaces in our neighborhood without harming the environment, creating a positive impact in our communities, promoting people’s well-being, and considering that we suggest places that connect with nature and do healthy activities. We also presented a 3D model, which was very important for me, since it meant bringing all my ideas to life.


I have noticed there are many empty, little spaces in my neighborhood, where garbage accumulates and they are not neat at all, so, I planned to make some recreation areas where people can enjoy being outdoors surrounded by beautiful trees and plants, with benches where they can sit down to enjoy and share, and I would prefer not very large areas, instead, several smaller areas distributed in the neighborhood. I could also encourage neighbors to make some pieces of art with recycled materials like dry flowers, leaves, stones and some branches, this way, they could feel they belong there through their art, which will lead them to take care of their place and everything that surrounds it.

I have investigated that with the extraordinary help of Refopar (Reforest Paraguay), I  can obtain tree and plant donations without any problem, considering this is an organization that has donated more than 450,000 trees since 2008, for schools, neighborhoods, parks, and hospitals throughout Paraguay.


My favorite innovation is the recreational area, where I will try to reorganize some spaces, without harming the environment. For this purpose, I created a place where people can enjoy being outdoors surrounded by beautiful trees and plants, with benches where they can sit down to enjoy and share, and I would prefer not very large areas, instead, several smaller areas distributed in the neighborhood. I could also encourage neighbors to make some pieces of art with recycled materials like dry flowers, leaves, stones, and some branches, this way, they could feel they belong there through their art, which will lead them to take care of their place and everything that surrounds it. Recreational areas have a positive impact on the community, considering they promote people’s well-being, push us to leave a sedentary life, connect us with nature, allow us to breathe clean and fresh air and they are safe places where children get along with their parents and friends to do healthy activities.


I think this would be very useful for my neighborhood since there are some little spaces that have nothing but trash, instead of that we can fill them with trees, benches, and plants so more people can rest/sit there or interact with each other. As I said before, I would prefer small areas, this way it would even be less crowded, in fact, it'll be easier to clean it.  Recreational areas have a positive impact on the community, considering they promote people’s well-being, push us to leave a sedentary life, connect us with nature, allow us to breathe clean and fresh air and they are safe places where children get along with their parents and friends to do healthy activities. As evidence of that, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, recreational areas:  “provide a place where people can be physically active to reduce stress, which can improve their mental health. They also provide a place where neighbors can meet, which improves community connections.” (CDC, Saving Lifes, and Protecting People).


I think the investigation I made was very deep and detailed, and at the same time well organized, always trying to meet all the requirements. On the other hand, I found some weaknesses, which are maybe to emphasize some pros and cons of my improvements, however, I tried to mention and add all of them, in order to make people think about the necessary improvements.


I have many ideas to make it full of details, I am gathering material in order to show a colorful and interesting model, but above all, make clear the idea of creating a sustainable space, both, from the social point of view, as well as the environment. The 3D Model is very important for me since it means bringing all my ideas to life, thus, reaching my goals.


Yoh, C. (2022, June 30). 10 small ways you can improve your neighborhood. The Coliving Blog by Common | Resources for Shared Living. Retrieved March 27, 2023, from

What are we doing? REFOPAR. (2008). Retrieved March 28, 2023, from

Dar, R. (2022, May 18). Top 7 Benefits of Parks and Recreation. RSS. Retrieved March 27, 2023, from

Importance of parks and recreation. Importance Of Parks And Recreation | Recreation And Park Administration | Eastern Kentucky University. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2023, from 

Artesanos de Tobatí Dan Vida a animales Con Ysypo. Moopio. (2021, August 22). Retrieved March 29, 2023, from 

The health benefits of small parks and Green Spaces: Health and wellness: Parks and Recreation Magazine: NRPA. National Recreation and Park Association. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2023, from


Great research backing up the importance of shared green spaces. Your model helped give me a nice visual to support your ideas for the small recreational spaces. I wonder what the next step would be in moving forward with these shared park spaces in Asuncion?