For the project i chose i made a bridge with two of my classmates, which was supposed to replicate the London bridge. To create this we used scissors, , strings, glue, hot glue, tape, cardboard cutouts, wooden sticks and paint. We first thought about how we wanted to make our bridge, then we spent a couple of classes building it and perfecting it, when we where finally done we painted it and i am really proud of it.
We did this project because it was an assignment in the steam class, me and my team where supposed to chose one out of many popular bridges and try to make a small version of it, my teammates and i chose the London bridge because we thought it was the best looking one and we really looked forward into building it.
We first looked up pictures on the internet from the London bridge to use them for inspiration to create our model, we the got our materials which where scissors, glue, hot glue, tape, cardboard cutouts and wooden sticks. When we finished putting our project together we painted it and added strings to it to resemble the details.
I found out many facts from the London bridge along the way fo this project, i also learned what works and doesn't work to build a bridge and make it stable.
Me and my teams final results from the bridge where important because it was one of my favorite projects and i think we did really good.
i think that i could've improved my project if we had cut out the cardboard better and painted it better, even though it did look good, it had a couple rough edges and the paint was not evenly coated in every area.
We got our information from the bridge off the internet as well as pictures to help us make a more accurate design.
You've made a similar model to your original purpose and clearly reflected on this process. I appreciate that you've learned a bit about bridge building in the process. Next time you should share more about the kind of bridge it is, forces that are in play on the bridge, and how the materials you used impacted your design.