The project that I did was a project about sustainable business and my buisness helped the people clean the lake ypacarai 


I chose this project Idea because When i was in san ber I would always be in the lake and i noticed some green spots in the lake and also the lake doesn't have a clean color.


How i developed my project was I had a budget for my project so I bought materials to make a pipe cleaner that it would start to clean the whole lake and I wouldn't waste a lot of money because I just bought parts to make a pipe to clean the lake.


I found out that it actually works and I used minecraft to showcase what I did in minecraft I made my buisness next to the lake and used the pipes to clean the lake 


The results are important because that show that there is a way to clean the lake if the government tried and do this, this actually could work .


I would extend my project by stopping people to use the lake for about a month so it would be clean and ask people for there help to pick up trash that people threw in the lake.


I got my ideas by my own thought I thought that it would be a great idea for the sustainable project we where doing in social studies


Awesome protoype on Minecraft! I wish I could learn more about how your pipe cleaning device works. I love that you were thinking critically about how to fix up the lake here in Paraguay!