I was thinking on probably sumbitting my automatic plan pots I have made for Social Studies for the STEAM EXPO. 


I made these plant pots for my Social Studies taking action in agriculture project! In this project I showed some ways of planting your plants without having to be there and without having to go to your plant with some water over and over again. So instead, that's why I made the automatic plant pots. 


In order to create these pots, I used different types of materials including plastic bottle, wood, cardboard, etc. This isn't really a project that you could do super fast because it takes time to get the materials, cut them, put them together, make sure the system works and try it  out on plants.


These systems ended up working really good, they usually don't let so much water on the plants at a time, they mostly put little drops on it. The only thing we can't avoid is that we still have to fill it up with water for the system to work. 


I learned that it is possible to make automatic watering systems with towels, plastic bottle, steel nails, and other materials around my house. Who would thought that all those things we don't use could become something useful for the environment?


In one the pots I maybe could have added some more steel nales to make the water come out of different places from the bottle not just the middle. I should also maybe make more of these systems, and also add more bottle with holes on them to put them in the dirt to water it faster. 


These ideas I actually got from my uncle. He has a bunch of plants at his house and uses these systems we made together for them too. He also has some scarecrows which I think I should make some myself just in case


What a great project. I wonder if this system also reduces the total amount of water needed for certain plants? Or how this could be upscaled to be used on more plants at a time on a large farm?