The project I did was the community fridge, a community fridge is a fridge made for people to the open space so people can go and eat things. In my opinion this will be a good solution for people that is always hungry and if they are hungry they can go to the community fridge and eat something.
In my opinion I like this project because many people are always hungry while working so a community fridge with tasty food will be pretty good. This will be very helpful for a lot of people, and be people will not get bored in class because if they get hungry instead going to the cantine, they have their own fridge.
I created my project by searching ideas in google, and changing some things to be my own project, and a copy. I tried to make the different as possible but grabbing some ideas for it to be more sustainable, and pretty.
My results work like a normal fridge, with a door, handle and space to put on the food. The only problem could be the refirigeration of the fridge.
The results are important because if we get a faulty fridge, all the food will get raw and will be super stinky. Also a thing that i learned was to allways continue persisting because our fridge got broken a lot of times, and we kept making it.
I can extend my project by adding a lot of refirgeration for the food to not raw. Another thing that i could do differently was to hide my project because it got broken a lot of times, and the first one was the best one.
I got all my information from google, and some things from my mind.
You have an interesting idea here, but many of the details are not clear. It would be great to think through who would use it, who would take care of it, who would contribute to it, and how much of the problem of hunger this type of problem could solve. Lots of things to think about for next year!