I did a sustainable hotel for those who visit once in a while to work. All of it's functions are sustainable and functional to make everything easier. We presented this in a 3D model.


I did this project because I think that if anyone does anything similar to this it will be a great benefit for the eviorment and country. We were trying to solve or help with the waist of water, pollution, and othet common things.


The base was made of styrofoam and the actual structure of thr hotel as well. we used a silver paper that represented the solar panels and we had a toy car on the side as well. We had cut up green paper to represent hydroplonics on the roof and sticks that represented trees.


The results were good, we found out the actuall things hotels need in order to function. The prototype shows a realistic model that we made to show how we would wanted it to be if it existed.


I learned many things like everything you need to have in mind to make a hotel and more if it is sustainable. I really liked the results and I hope that we can make it into something real.


I think if we had more time we coud've used the 3D printer for some things to make it even more realistic. Other than that I really liked how everything was done.


We reaserched many things and also took thing we saw in our houses that we had and used those things to add more to our porject. 


Very cool hotel model and design! I love that you were aiming to solve a community issue, but I would've loved to hear more details about the solutions you came up with about how the hotel will run!