Our questions at the start of our project was how to build a bridge. For my project with a partner we built the golden gate with classroom materials.
I completed this project because it was a Steam project. What kinds of materials ought we to employ was the query we were attempting to answer. Should we paint it or not, and how much support should we add?
we created our project using simple materials we use in the makers space. (cardboard, paper rolls, ropes, sticks, and, of course, hot glue) Then we made a plan on how to start, how to make it stand, how to make it pretty and then started building it.
I used cardboard, paper rolls, ropes, sticks, and, of course, hot glue to make my project. We then punched holes in the paper rolls and placed the cardboard, followed by a little stair and the strings. For stability, we added a stick and a quarter of a paper roll at the bottom, followed by another small stair.
Our findings were significant because they taught us how to construct a prototype that can be used in the real world. I discovered that I must clearly identify the goal and demand, begin with a straightforward design, and employ the proper materials and technology.To enhance the usability and usefulness of the prototype, test and iterate.
can lengthen it by incorporating additional supports or sections. This can include joining many cardboard pieces together to expand the bridge and modifying it to provide extra height or clearance. I might do better by including further details; the next stage is to add the things I mentioned earlier, to extend the bridge.
We got the information and ideas from internet, we first searched the golden gate, saw the details and trying to add in the prototype.
I am impressed with your work through the design process. Your thought and background work is obvious. What would your next steps be? Or what new ideas does this project give you?