For all my projects i tried to be the most recyclable and ecofriendly project that i can do,by recycling plastic bottles,bags,plastic bottle caps and much more.Or else is to clean gtrash and then recycle that trash.


I did this project to save our world because its dying and we dont have another one to replace,everyday we care less,but its never too late to do changes and work all together to solve our problem,its not just that its not your trash and you dont want to recycle,its the earth we need to talk about more.


I really came p with this idea long time ago that why I did a project about it,i never could show my idea to anyone because they dint care,but with steam existing I had an oportuniity to share my emotions and ideas to evryone and how to save our own world we breath in.


I found out that the earth is much more contaminated than we think and we need to start to think about that and fix that as soon as we can,but some people just dont care.But if evryone of you guys help me with my project we can speak up and save our world.


I learn a lot on this project but what I google most about because was the one that shocked my more was that we killed over 83 BILLION animals PER YEAR that is not just aceptable.


what i could of done difrently or talk more about will defently be about how to recycle more and how can we use our recycle things to make things we use day a day (evryday)


I got a lot informaton about recycling animals population and earths health


I really like that STEAM has provided you a way to express your beliefs about recycling and doing positive things to help protect our environment. I agree that we need to do everything we can to educate the ourselves and the public about taking care of the environment we live in. It is great that you learned so much about the impact humans have on the envirnoment. I am curious what solutions you have explored about recycling and cleaning up our communtiy here in Paraguay? Keep up the good work, we all share this world and it is everyone's responsibility to take care ot it.