I want to present the sustainable buisness project. In this project I did a sustainable homeless shelter, for people who dont have anywhere to stay. But appart from helping the community, it is in a sustainable way, because we used the most climate friendly resources so our shelter doesnt pollute, etc.


I did this project becuase we where thinking on doing a shelter for people in need but the task was to do it in a sustainable way. So because of that we did our research and ended up with the project.


We did our research and gathered all the info we needed, to then create a 3D model. We made the 3D model with materials found in the maker space.


My sustainable buisness project works because it helps the community in a sustainable way. Not only that, but all the resources provided are sustainable and dont pollute, like for example how we get electricity and clothes.


Our results are important because they help us to create a more sustainable environment. I learned that you can make many buisnesses without having to damage our environment.


I believe that I could have improved and further develop my 3D model. My next steps are to try to focus in the upcoming projects, and be ready for high school.


I got my ideas from my partners in the project which where A. J. and A. B. And all the info and data I got from google or my teacher. Lastly, my 3d model I did with resources from the makerspace.


Great start to a potentially life changing project for those in need. You have clearly done research to identify a need, used engineering skills to develop a model, and reflected on the process. I agree with your reflection that you could improve the 3D model by either including more services or features that you learned about in your research.