Our problem was that makeup was causing too much pollution. We wanted to know how we could stop  pollution from cosmetics. Firstly from the packaging, which is mostly plastic. Secondly, from the chemicals that are in the products themselves. This is playing a large role in pollution, so we came up with an idea to stop it. We have made organic, vegan and eco-friendly makeup that doesn't harm the environment. It is made form natural oils and essences and the packaging is refillable, so you only need to purchase it once.


We did this because everyone we know uses makeup, and if you think about it that's not good for the environment. We also wanted to solve the problem of the amount of chemicals and toxins in the products by introducing organic eco-friendly alternatives. We also want to end animal testing from cosmetics and make sure that we are 100% cruelty free.


We used different natural products to develop a formula that does the same as regular makeup without the negative effects. We used naturally derived components to develop a more sustainable alternative to our regularly utilised cosmetics.


We found out that is is very easy to create eco friendly makeup. Our prototype was rested next to rare beauty products, and there was almost no difference. Our products also have skincare benefits being made from naturally hydrating oils.


This is important because it shows the cosmetics industries that the pollution they are causing unnecessary pollution. This could be a big milestone for the market due to the simplicity of the products. We learnt that we can make the same quality products as big brands e.g. rare beauty while only using simple everyday products.


We could extend this by making our packaging from old packaging to reduce waste. We could also show our products to a larger ausdience so that more people would be aware of what we have created.


You identified an interesting pollution problem where the product and packaging could be changed.  There is probably a market for pollution-free cosmetics.  I am not sure what the cardboard house has to do with your cosmetic idea, however.