the name of my project is called safe pencil super holder. This is good pencil holder because it can spin aorund and the pencil wouldn't fell  down  and it is safe because it has strings.


I decided to do this because people in class rooms always taake pencil. This may help on things like buying boxes and boxes of pencils .


I thouth of this project when I saw some problems with theachers that didn't have pencils to give to their students. It is easy to make because it it made out of cardbord so it is recicable.


I am in the proces of buiding it so I can't not tell if it works yet.


Ocen I finsh my project I think student and teachers are having pencil for a long time without loseing first. This may help school with the money they could use that money for other projects they have.e


I could expand it to every class in school to see my resolst but that is kind of hard and it will take a lot of time and matirials. I could of made it of stronger matirials but that will take the recicable about


I rember I took it from google but I don't have the link for it


This is a great idea to try to solve a very common and frustrating problem. I am sure your teachers will thank you once you perfect your design! Make sure that you are communicating your ideas in the best way you can - using good, clear writing.