my main problem was thinking what i could do in this amazing and facinating project, but i found out what i could do and from there it was more easy.


i did this project because i felt it was going to be the most fun and the most interesting one to do. i really like playing minecraft and when i am boaed i use it in my free time at home or even in indoor recess at school.


first i organized my ideas in a doc, then i filled uo the organizer mr tice assigned to us and then i did all of my work on minecraft. minecraft for me is the easiest and most fun way to learn and to get creative, also it is the most fun way to organize yourself.


my prototype worked, i did a very tall building with a functioning elevator and i did a ecosystem and a vivero inside the building, the building has 3 floors, 4 counting with the first one, the recesption, also outside the building i have my own farming thing so from there ll of the plants or living things go in the building.


i learned a lot through out the process, things like, how to record your screen in a macbook, how to draw lines in your own map, also i learned a lot of new mechanics in minecraft. i learned how to do a elevator thats realy complicaded because it is like a real life one its not one made out of water or anything. my results came really good, i really liked it.


i could extend my project in many different and extraordinary ways, i chose a option thet is not that hard or complicadet like i could extend my project building more in minecraft and having more ideas. i can write them in the organizer that mr tice gave us and from there add it to my minecraft world.


i got my idea of doing it on minecraft from recent projects and my idea of doing that was i video mr tice showed us in the begining or the end i dont remember of 7th grade and i rememberd that and i thought it would be a exelent idea to do it as a sustainable business so then i motivated my self andinspired myself to do it and i am very proud to show it to my classmates .


Great job on challanging yourself on how to use technology to model your building and project. I can see that you followed the ASA design steps of planning, creating and improving when using minecraft to create your building. I would have liked to see an image of the building you created in mindcraft and know more about the sustainability part of this project. Keep exploring!