My Sustainable Business Project is a good project to present in the STEAM expo because it is an eco friendly project. It also will make the world a much better place.


I did this project for my Social Studies class. I also did it because I think that it could make Paraguay better if it is ever put into action.


I created my project using syrophome. I also used paint, rocks and sand. 


I found out that it is very hard to create a buisness and that there are a lot of factors that you have to plan out before starting. My prototype is just a model currently but I hope that I can make it work someday in Paraguay. 


I feel like my results are important because this can really help the future of Paraguay and make it very eco friendly. This will help our country be happy and healthy. 


I could extend my project by making it less expensive. I could have done differently is that I didn't plan at first what I was going to do I just started creating and I messed some things up. Luckily I was able to fix it. 


I got my ideas by resarching. I got inspired by eco friendly buissneses and also sustainable ones.


The model you created helps to explain your vision and it shows how much thought and effort you put into your work. Environmental improvements are a topic of interest througout the world and any ideas like this should always be listened to. How would you keep the river from being polluted or prevent people from using it to throw their rubbish into?