what are the causes of migration.I choose to do migration beacuse all around the world there are problems about that.I want to know if people such as migration people have a rough life.Do people with problems,economic problem and agricultural problems have to deal with this type of situations.Poeple that migrate suffer about this.


I did this project because I want to help the migrants have a better life. I was trying to help them and try to make others how really is being poor.


I developed my solution by making a refugee for migrants.I want to help people and that is how I want to make a change.


I find out that migrants need help. My prototype is like e refugee that is able to help migrants. We used many methods but especially we used a method when we organize all of the events we are planning to present so the presentation is perfect.


Our result was important beacuse we had the ability to show everyone what a migrant perspective or a person that comes from el chaco paraguayo life is. The conclusions that we drew from our results were that thanks to our plan we succeded more at the time when we constructed what we where performing.


We could have done differently the way that we had to do we had to use our time to work more wisely. We could improve by making a change in our work by putting more effort,the next step is to make this come true.   


We got information about google and asked help to mr tice.


To be a responsible and globally minded citizen of this world, it really important that we understand and respect those around us. I thought you chose an important topic and it great that you learned that migrants have to leave for many reasons just to get basic needs. Looking at this issue through the perpective of a migrant shows a lot of empathy. Good job on exploring solutions for this issue and modeling your ideas. Good luck on making this refugee solution become a realtiy, I would love to hear details about what steps you will be taking next to provide food, shelter and education to give those in need a chance to succeed.