My project is aerodynamic. The question we were trying to solve was can it flay from a long distance? It did dirent work at first but after we change something like the wing it finally fly high and very far.


I did this project to solve a big question that I had. The big question was can this air plan fly from one point of the classroom to the other? One of the problems I had to confront was that it didn't fly very far.


I created this project with some paper and cisters and a lit bit of glow. I got the idea from some classes and some pictures that I found on the internet, also I also added some of the things I remember from 5 grade that we also did the same project.


The results are that it works. I found out that the tip of the air plan was bent that way it dirent fly that far away. I also added something to the back and did make it faster and it fly higher.


My results are imported because they made the class so much more fun and id did help us solve our question then can it fly from one point of the class to the other? I learned that when I do and paper air plan I have to check the point of it.


I can improve my project by adding some color or even doing another material that as paper like a carton of plastic.


I got my information from pinterest, videos and by asking friends 


I love the look of your plane, it defintely looks aerodynamic. By adapting the design you were able to improve the distanc it flew. Additionally, by addind something to the back of the plane you have changed where weight is dispersed. You could consider make a larger design and comparing different designs. Well done