What I did in my project first was we gather information of our topic and respond a questions to have some information and know how to start my project. My question was In what ways can we make a sustainable: eco-friendly and socially equal colting brand? How can we make an eco-friendly brand that will be for everyone? Our main idea of this project was to make an shop that we sell clothes. We wanted to made a store that everyone could go and buy and something that is not so expensive. We chose the location that was in the Fashion Distric Miami. 


I chose to do this project because we thought that doing a shop will be a great idea of the cummintity and many people could just come and buy and feel very happy and confortable. We were not trying to solve anyn problem we were trying just to make an eco-friendly way and sustainable and to help others. 


I create my project by first searching in google an idea of a shop and then I used tinkercad to biuld a shop. I can show what I did in a picture. 


I find out how helpful can be a shop for the community and how much money you could gain from that. I chose the methods I used becuase it's more easy and it's more helpful for everyone and for every people. 


It is important becuase I learned a lot with this project, I learned how important is to for example have a shop and how to gain money. I also learned how do this help people a lot. I think this project gaved me a good reslut and a good learning way. 


 I think instead of doing in tinkercad my project I could have done it in a cardboard or things like that. I think if I have done it in a cardboard it would have been more cool like to do a shop for example and have like mini clothes. Another thing I could improve in my project could be that I needed to put more information and more details about what i'm doing. 


I got information from google and ideas I got from reading the information I took and then put it in all together in my head. Actually my teachers did supported us and helped a lot. 


This is a great start to a project. I can tell that you went through a couple of versions of the process and kept improving each time. Also, you clearly understand a need and are doing what you think is best to meet that need. This project is very good, but I know that you could take it to great if you spent more time and energy in getting your model to highlight what your original need is.