i had to make a project on a sustainable business and i had to figure out how i could make it sustainable and how to keep it sustainable for it to benefit everyone. I was able to discover a way to do this after doing a lot of research on a lot of different websites and i got through it.


I did this project with C. because it was a dual project for social studies and it included parts from science, language arts and steam. We ended up really enjoying making this project and we used minecraft to make the business.


We used minecraft to make the business that we created. We made it be sustainable by adding a water filter on the roof and a plastic recycle so we could make much cheaper water for everyone.


We found out it was a very good idea but it would be difficult to pull it off in real life. I think it would be a very beneficent idea if someone did this in real life.


I think they are important because it shows that even two kids if they have a open mind they can also create a good beneficent idea for everyone.


I think to extend this project we could make this project more detailed and with more infromational things.


We got our ideas from ourselves we both thought that those were both good ideas and we decided to stick with them and use them for the project.


Clever store name: Eco Biggie.  And you appear to have worked well as a team with your partners.  However you have not really addressed what the project is or how it is sustainable.