The Judges Committee has awarded this submission Excellence in Community Design


  I decided to build this because my neighborhood does have gardens or plants, but I figured it is best if there is a much more sustainable garden that can be worked within the community, and make us closer. So I decided to make and design a 3D model of how a sustainable community garden would look in my neighborhood. 


In our 7th Grade Social Studies Project, our goal was to try to improve our neighborhood are in Asuncion, so that we could become a more sustainable city. So I did this project, because a community garden not only protects and helps the environment, it also helps connect the community with each other, and improves our health, education, etc.


To do this, I decided to design and make a 3D model of a community garden in Tinkercad. But before actually designing, I got ideas, and researched information about community garden pros and cons, and sustainable features, and recorded them down.


This solves the problem because the model contains a community garden with sustainable equipment/resources, which maybe we could try to do in real life. For example, it has compost bins, a rest área with solar panels on top, recycling bins, rain-collecting barrels, etc, which saves the earth’s resources for better use. I chose these methods because these methods take advantage of nature, like the rain and sunlight.


My results are important to the environment and the community, because it shows how a sustainable community garden would look like, and the components that could be contained for a sustainable and "green" community garden to be made possible. These results mean that sure, us, humans already have gardens and plants maybe in parks our at our houses, which is awesome too, but I believe every neighborhood should have a community garden, which could be one of our first steps of becoming/having a "green" Earth. I learned from my results that the reason that our Earth isn't sustainable or "green" enough might not be because of what types of machines, tools, or methods we are using, it can also be because of what these machines, tools/methods are made up of.


To extend my project and improve it, if I had more time, I could expand the community garden, and add more equipment and sustainable aspects. But to really extend it, the next steps may be to try to  start taking action in my real neighborhood if possible and if I have approval of doing so.


I got about most of my information and ideas from the internet and research. I got some help from my friends in the same class and from Mr. Tice, the Social Studies teacher too.


Impressive project with lots of detail and information. Great job!