The work that I have decided to present is the one that I am the most proud of and it is the STEAM website. I really like this website because I had to do it on my own and it demonstrates all of my work that I did during the STEAM year.
I did this project because it was obligatory but I also enjoyed working on it because I could check on all of my work and it was really organized. I also like that it is very organized and I could present it at anytime without much problems.
I created my website by making pages that would display my learning in each class and also my thinking process. I also had to post all the results of my projects and I had a good time making the project.
My website demonstrates all of my learning during my classes and I like that because it reminds me of all my acomplishments during the year. It is very simple, you find the work by finding the right page and it shows all the images and my thinking process.
My results are important for me because I like to see what I have acomplished and how organized it is. I like that it can be really easy to access and use. Because of that, almost everyone is able to use the app for himself and they can also navigate it really easily.
My project is very good but I think that there are some things that I could have added like more details because it is not fully detailed. I think that the information is okay so the only thing that I would like to add is more details.
I got my information from just thinking and also recieving help from the teacher. I had to think a lot before adding my thoughts onto my website but im glad I thought before I just typed anything.
I like that you have found a creative way to keep track of your work. These type of skills are good to have and will help you as a student and later as a professional. For this judging, it would have been nice to actually see the web site you wrote about.