I did a airplane with different aerodynamics, that helps fly better and faster. To acomplish this we are going to need A4 paper and your hands.


Why do we do this? Well it is easy and simple to make white just a few folds you can creat a simple and effective airplane. with this ypou can also send messeges from one windo to another. 


with 4 or 5 folds. You can easily make a airplane. and even if you do it wrong it can still work. you can also create your own.


Air planes can really be a succes if you use the right dynamics. And I also found out that if you exess it with aero dynamics it might not work, that is exactly what heppened to me.


What I learned by building the airplane is just make a simple aiplane that flies well and do not overflow with extra wings and all the extra stuff you dont need. So I always make a basic aiplane that flyes well.


I think I can improve it by making it a different material like carton so it flies better.and I think I should add some more color to make it stick out.


I got this Idea because I have a friend living just across the street and he doesn’t have a phone and we cant talk to each other. So we decided to make a well functoning airplane so we can send messeges.


This is a fun idea and it has a lot of potential to show how you tried different designs and materials.