I used tinkercad to build a building with solar panels. I desided to build this to show a way we can reduce the amount of non-renewable energy we use.
I made this project to show a way we can reduce the amount of energy we use. I made it to not solve a problem but to show a way we can solve a problem.
I created my project with digital tools such a tinkercad.
In the end I resulted with a model of a potential house that could be built in real life to reduce the use of non-renewable energy in the household.
My conclusion is that by building sustainable houses we can decrease pollution and toxins such as smokes going into the atmosphere further damaging earth.
A few ways I could have improved my project or sent a bigger message is by bud a sustainable neighborhood instead of just a house or I could've added more detail to the model.
I got a large sum of information to build the model from Google and I also got many of my friends to sudgest what more to add to my model
Solar energy is a great idea and your design clearly shows what it would look like. I think it could have been great to include things in your design that would show how this could actually function. What would your solar panel be connected to? What would the inhabitants of the house use the electricity for?