I choose to do the brigde project and explian why i did it becuase i put a lot of effort in the creatitiy and hardwork you put into the project we choose a brigde that we loved and admired and duplicated.


I did this project with agus becuase i think that this brigde is so admiering and beutiful and it really caught our attention we tried to create it as simililar as we could.


We created our project with cardboard threts and a lot of glue we also used paint and then asemble it as we could. In my opinion it ended up being kind of similar to the actual bridge.


My prototype dose not work since its a brigde made of cardborad but it defentily still stands till today and the methods that we used were amazing and really stable.


Our results for the bridges were very good and stable i will defentily try agian to finish a similar protoype. hasta ahi hiciste


I could have made the structure more stable and a more detailed structure. 


I got my ideas from photo references and also mixed idea from A. 


Looks like you have some research inspiration for your bridge as well as some reflection on what you made. You should continue to make different versions of these bridges as this first model looks like it hasn't gone through any revisions. Make sure to include more images next time so that we can see the project from multiple angles.