In my project of social studies I built a farm which had two gardens and a farm. It helped a lot with the environment and improvise food requirement and help animals grow faster and healthier. The first and only problem I had was the materials that I was going to use. But then we just went to stores and we bought a lot of creative things for my project 


We did this project because we need to improve farming ways and also make it better and efficiant. So me and my partner we made a automatic software  farm. We were trying to reduce the amount of food wasted. And also we wanted people to be better since some of the farmers stayed very late every day because they needed to take care of the farm but that wont be need anymore since the farm is mostly automatic.


First me and my partner planned out what we were going to do and then we started to make our project.We had a lot of ups and downs but we still manage to make the project look very nice. 


We found out that the best thing to do is first  plan out what you are going to do and then start to do the porject because if you start to do the project, and dont know what you are going to do, you might mess up and not be able to fix the problem. 


I learned that everything takes time and patients, so it is not that you are going to finish your project in less than one day. You need to make your way up little


I think that we could have added a little bit more of things and could ahve explain a little bit more the project anad what was going to be inside the project and what the project consist of.


We got a lot of information from websites and slides that the teacher added. But we also asked my aunt who works at farms and he gave us a lot of tips and a lot of information


You have some great ideas, especially your reflection about the process of working through a large project and your desire to autmate some farm tasks. I think this could make a big difference for a lot of farmers. I wonder what the larger impacts of this would be? And how this might be implemented here in Paraguay?