I created a translator app. This enables people to translate from one language to another by typing in the words in one of the spaces and the translation appears next to it.


 I was trying to solve the problem of people not unsderstanding words in certain languages. For this reason I came up with an app that made it easy for anyone to translate a word or sentence.


To create my project I used different blocks to translate one language to the other. I alsocreated a list of all the languages in the world so it can be used to help people anywhere in the world.


This translator app that I created works by selecting the languages to translate between  and then tapping "transslate" What happens is that the software interprets the sentence and makes a translation in the language that you are translating to.


I learned from this project that you can use things such as blocks to make amazing apps to help people. For example the translator app that I created.


I could improve my project by adding more languages to translate from. Something I could have done differently is make  it so it works with your voice too.


I got my information from Mr. Diaz and the internet.


I love the idea of this app, apps that help with translations are very popular now. Including multiple languages was a fantastic idea. You could consider something that not all apps do, include a function that enables the user to find antonyms or synonyms of a chosen word.