I did a community garden. We have a description and then a 3d paper mache. In the 3d model there are examples on how the community garden works.


I did the community garden is because I think that a lot of people will enjoy watching out macho, us explaining, etc. Also it will help them a lot on the future because a community garden is very helpful.


I did it with I and L and we always came to steam to glue stuff, paint, etc. The process was very easy but it did take us some time. First we planned what we wanted to do, then we researched more things about it. Lastly we started building it.


Our community garden looks very confusing but it is really easy to explain. There is a bucket sort of that when it rains it collects the water and filtrates it , it has a garden lot of plants and foods to eat, some thing that we planted where blueberries, lettuce, tomatoes and more.


I learned that by making little effort just by making a garden or doing a bucket that when it rains the water stays there and it filtrates it can really help the environment, and the animals and people surrounding.


I wish that we also showed how nature works for example the cow eats the grass, then the cow poops and the poo grows more grass and also the flies eat the poo, and it goes on and on.


My dad helped me a bit because he always go to my farm and we a sustainable garden just like the one we did, that's why I know how everything works because I used to work there too. Also with I and L we researched a lot about it. This project overall was really fun to do , we really enjoy working on it and seeing it in my farm how everything really works.


Great explanation about the water collection and filtration. Your model is very detailled and clear. I wish I could get more detail about the benefits of a community garden. Who benefits from it? Who contributes to it? Nice job!