Our project is a model of the ocean full of plastic. Our project is aiming to solve the pollution in ecosystems. Although it cant solve pollution it can atleast give people a idea


We did this project because we are spreading awareness for pollution. We wanted people to not only take this as art because it has a deeper meaning


We created our project simply by imagination. We did not really have a idea of what we were going to do at first but then we started being more creative and we created our porject.


With this project I found out a lot of new things. I had to research about how ocean pollution increased over the decades and the main cause of it and how to stop it


The results we got were important because it teached more people to spread awareness of this big issue. this means a lot to me because it is very sad to see people destroying our planet


We can extend our project by adding more additional things to the beach. We could have done a lot of things differently for example we could have done a completely different model. 


We got most of our ideas from the internet. We looked up how to spread awareness and how ot show it in art form. L. and F. helped me make this porject. 


I am fully on board with your project, I think the idea of showing the ocean as art whilst speaking about ocean pollution is fantastic. Clearing the oceans of plastic is a very important topic in the world right now and you can take this very far. I think next you should show examples of what is being done around the world and see how you can bring a small part of this clean up to Paraguay.