What's the best Ivy league University for me? My project helps students find the best Ivy University based on their personal preferences; the App is designed to give the best answer from all eight options for each different person.
As a senior, one of the most significant decisions I have to take is: Where to continue my Studies; to develop my career. So I decided to make an App to help other seniors and even younger students to find their match University; or where they will fit the most.
I created this project during AP Computer Science class, a Project for the Classroom, where we had to develop an App from zero. I sat down and thought about the main problem or challenge we face during these times, and came up with the idea for an App help students choose or find their ideal University based on their tastes and preferences.
The prototype works well, but there is still much room for improvement. The results were outstanding; I'm happy with my code functioning correctly and each university's logos displayed on the screen.
My results are important because it's an App that I designed and worked for it which I'm extremely proud. The results were really good; as the App gives the correct answer based on what the user selects as his options.
I'm delighted with my project, and it works well. Although I could add more things to find an even better answer because location plays a massive role in deciding the University, there are more things taken into consideration; and my project could have given a more personalized solution for each response.
Link to the video:
I got the idea of talking with my professor and classmates, asking for their help and thoughts on my potential ideas for the project. I got the information and data from the Data Source in Code.Org called "Ivy League Universities," which includes all types of information from Location, Undergraduates, years, and more.
I would like to see this app being used by our studetns at ASA. This can motivate our students to check out prestigious schools to attend to after graduation and see if a school will be the right one.