My question was, how can I incorporate 3D with my own digital art? So, I used this app called mental canvas that allows you to have a 3D design connecting it with your drawing to make it more interesting and fun to watch. I technically drew a claw machine game. But, it leads to a mystery box, which is a "strawberry box", since I started to like strawberries.
I did this project because I've almost never done 3D stuff but only drawings on 2D. I was trying to solve how I can use my own style of art into an interesting video that shows the 3D model.
I used mental canvas that allowed me to use both 3D and drawings. It also allows to create a video from it, presenting your work just by signaling them were to present. So, I think that helped a lot.
I found out that you could zoom in to another artwork or letter, if you put the angles in the correct position. Each time you zoom in, you would see other phrases and pictures. If you go into the box, you can flip it and slide it, so you would see different drawings.
I now know how to incorporate my own drawing with 3D designs and play with it. I think it is very important to know this because it expanded my abilities to enter the 3D world an expand my creativities.
I could've added my designs and textures to really make it more 3D. The next step is animation, where you make an object or a human move.
Link to the video:
I got to know this app from an instagram account called, yuwu.liu
I like this project because of your passion for art and desire to learn something new which is to turn a 2D image into 3D. I think that you should be very proud of the results! I wonder how you might be able to continue to use this skill of taking something that is 2D and projecting it as 3D.